
Javier ‘Chainsaw’ Milei Is Again Leading the Polls for Agentina’s Runoff Presidential Election – To the Dismay of the Globalist Media

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Massa broke Argentina, but MSM would have you worry about Milei.

The leftist Peronist administrations have all but destroyed Argentina economy and put astonishing 40% of the population below poverty level.

But hey – the Globalism media would have you believe that the grave danger to its economy is the conservative Javier Milei.

How can they keep a straight face while supporting the ECONOMY minister Sergio Massa, the architect of the economic demise of the nation?

So, when the first round of voting showed Massa in first place, the jubilations around the MSM were copious, with many assurances that Argentina ‘may yet prevent the worst’.

However, the celebrations may have been a bit ahead of time,