
Joe Biden is Like a Lost Roomba-This Week’s Gateway Pundit Recap by Blessed News

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The Gateway Pundit releases an impressive about of news on a daily basis, so we make it our solemn duty to break it all down for you in The Gateway Pundit Recap Show daily at 6pm ET on BlessedNewsApp.com.

This week’s highlights have condensed 2 weeks worth of news into one episode hosted by TGP’s very own Alicia Powe.

We start out with an infuriating story about the Sedition Hunters teaming up with the FBI to build entire cases on Jan 6 patriots.

The Seditions Hunters brag that they are able to use privatized facial recognition data and software that is unconstitutional for the FBI to use, then they simply cart the full portfolios over to the FBI as ‘tips’ and the FBI uses these tips to build actual cases and charge Jan 6ers!