
NY Times’ Lead Story Goes Up in Smoke: IDF Releases Proof of Hamas Tunnel System Under Gaza Hospital – Delivering Death Blow to NYT Fake News Report (VIDEO)

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In 2006 The New York Times published a shocking photo of a dead Lebanese man in the rubble in Beirut after an Israeli targeted bombing.

This photo was part of a photo essay entitled “Turmoil in the Mideast” – Reports from Israel and Lebanon: Attack in Tyre” accessible through the NYT website.

The man’s lifeless and curiously dust-free body was being lifted out of the rubble by a rescue worker.

All of the photographs were attributed to Tyler Hicks with The New York Times. The photograph shown on your site is photo number 6 in the array. (The photo essay has since been archived by the NY Times.)

The Gateway Pundit reported at the time that there was more to this story.