
WAYNE ROOT: Fire Ronna McDaniel. Here’s Your “Model:” Study What Texas A&M and Mississippi State Football Teams Did This Past Weekend

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By Wayne Allyn Root

Ronna McDaniel is the CEO of the Republican Party. The GOP is a failed political party. When the CEO presides over a failing organization, it’s time to fire the CEO.

The Republican Party is a joke. The GOP is weak, feckless, pathetic, cowardly, scared of its own shadow, not to mention bribed, bought and paid for. Almost the entire GOP leadership is either morons, scared of being cancelled, or in bed with the enemy- paid to lose elections.

That starts at the top with Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican Party- otherwise known as “Romney 2.0.” That’s her Uncle by the way- Mitt Romney, the loser.

You know Mitt: The US Senator who hates Trump far more than any Democrat destroying this country.