
Texas House Advances Bill Making Illegal Crossing at the Border a State Crime — Democrat State Rep. Says it’s “Racist” (VIDEO)

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In a significant move, the Texas House of Representatives has passed immigration bills that mark a drastic shift in the state’s approach to border control.

According to the Texas Tribune, the House approved measures on Tuesday to not only allocate over $1.5 billion for additional border barriers but also to criminalize the act of illegally crossing the Texas-Mexico border as a state crime.

Senate Bill 3 would channel $1.54 billion towards the construction of border barriers and fund state troopers to patrol Colony Ridge, a housing development near Houston.

During the House’s debate, lawmakers adopted an amendment from state Rep. Tracy King, D-Uvalde, to SB 3. This amendment would allow a portion of the funds to aid local police and governments in enforcing the newly proposed state crime as outlined in Senate Bill 4.