
Lawmaker Wins ‘Hate Speech’ Case Over Quoting Bible: ‘I Thank God for This Verdict’

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Chairwoman Päivi Räsänen of the Christian Democrats campaigns in Helsinki, Finland on April 18, 2015, ahead of the parliamentary elections.

It’s another Orwellian moment where love is hate just like war is peace.

Christian scripture — that’s the religion where love is the central teaching — has been characterized as hate speech by a government prosecutor in Finland, according to Fox News.

Finnish state prosecutor Anu Mantila attempted to punish two Christians for, well, being Christian. Päivi Räsänen — a 62-year-old medical doctor, member of Parliament and grandmother of seven — and Juhana Pohjola — a Luthern Bishop — were charged with the crime of being intolerant of homosexuals. The offense? They shared Romans 1:24-27.

“Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,