
Nevada’s Democrat Attorney General Threatens to Jail Trump 2020 Alternate Electors

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Here we go.

Nevada’s Democrat Attorney General Aaron Ford is quietly investigating Trump’s 2020 alternate electors.

In December 2020, Republican electors in Nevada cast ballots for Donald Trump.

Nevada cast procedural votes for President and Vice President to preserve the Trump campaign’s legal challenges.

The Trump campaign asked Trump electors to cast their votes as litigation makes its way through the system as we saw in the 1960 election with Nixon vs Kennedy.  You can read more here.

Breaking: Nevada GOP electors vote for Trump

It’s happening#Trump2020#StopTheSteaI2020 pic.twitter.com/71lLron60A

— Koi (@koi529) December 14, 2020

When the Democrats cast alternate electors it’s called ‘dueling electors.’ When the Republicans cast alternate electors it’s called ‘fake electors’ and indictments come down from crooked Democrat attorneys general.