
MEDIA LIES ABOUT ELON MUSK: Accuses Elon of Promoting Anti-Semitism After He Points Out the ADL’s Well-Documented Racist Attacks on White People

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What do you call a program that is used to indoctrinate children, target one particular race, and promote hate?

The Anti-Defamation League was once a leading human rights organization. Founded in 1913 in response to the escalating climate of antisemitism in the West, the ADL in recent years has morphed into something completely different than what its founders envisioned.

Today, the ADL is a far-left hate group whose goal is to smear conservatives, patriotic Americans, Trump supporters, and white people. This same confused organization gives a pass to far-left and Islamist hate groups.

To highlight this organization’s confusion, in 2022, the ADL excused Amnesty International in its campaign against the existence of Israel.