
Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially

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Globalist poster boy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the climate alarmist policies the signature aspect of his government.

So it’s very embarrassing that these very policies, exemplified by the vastly unpopular ‘carbon tax’, are now one of the most pointed topics generating criticism of his premiership.

It has now arisen that a majority of Canadians want the tax to be scrapped or waived for the next three years.

This follows the announcement last month that ‘a three-year carbon tax exemption for home heating oil’ and a ‘higher carbon tax rebates’ would be implemented, mostly for Atlantic Canada regions amid soaring costs of living.

READ MORE: Canada’s Supreme Court Deals Blow to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals,