
‘Extortion Plain and Simple’: Man’s Unjustified ‘Traffic’ Fee Goes to Supremes

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This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘Local governments cannot use the cover of legislation to skirt the Fifth Amendment’

A homeowner who was forced to pay the local government a $23,000 fee for the “traffic” impact of his new, modular retirement home is going to the U.S. Supreme Court challenging its constitutionality.

According to a report from the Pacific Legal Foundation, “The county claimed that George was required to pay that fee under local legislation that sought to shift the cost of addressing existing and future road deficiencies onto new development. Thus, the county imposed the fee without any evidence tying George’s new home to any specific public costs or impacts.”

The fight is over the $23,000 George Sheetz was forced to pay El Dorado County in California when he installed his home on a vacant lot he’d purchased for that purpose.