
Major Oxford-Backed Study Reveals Strict Covid Lockdowns NO MORE EFFECTIVE Than Sweden’s Open-Economy Approach During Pandemic

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(Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

A major study backed by Oxford University has suggested that strict COVID lockdowns were no more effective at reducing infections than the Swedish-style softer approach, which allowed more personal freedom and recommended rather than mandated behaviors aimed at reducing the transmission of the virus.

This conclusion challenges the tyrannical lockdown adopted by many countries, including the US, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the US shut down all commerce for years and destroyed the economy, Sweden took a different approach to the COVID-19 pandemic on the first wave of COVID-19 than most other countries and just allowed the China coronavirus to run its course. Instead of shutting down the businesses, the government relied on voluntary measures and recommendations to slow the spread of the virus.