
DHS Chief Mayorkas Warns Agents Not to Misgender Illegal Aliens

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DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas is warning agents not to misgender illegal aliens invading the United States.

US Border Patrol apprehended 3.2 million illegal aliens in fiscal year 2023 (Oct 1-Sept 30). Since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021, the number is estimated at 10 million illegal border crossers.

Instead of protecting the US border and instructing agents to stop the invasion, Mayorkas is warning them to be ‘respectful’ and ask the illegals their preferred pronouns.

“For example, state “I would like to be respectful – what name and pronoun would you like me to use when addressing you?” the document, obtained by the Oversight Project at the Heritage Foundation reads.

“Consider the tone of your questions and working when addressing an individual and inquiring about their self-identified pronouns or identity,” the documents read.