
Shocking Revelation: No Air Marshals on Flights Currently — Focus Shifts to “Passing Waters” at the Border for Illegal Immigrants and Tracking Innocent Individuals from January 6 Events (VIDEO)

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Sonya LaBosco, the Director of the Air Marshal National Council

In a recent interview with FOX News, Sonya LaBosco, the director of the Air Marshal National Council, dropped a bombshell revelation about the current situation of US air security. According to her, in the current conditions, regular commercial flights will not be serviced by air marshals.

LaBosco explained that the air marshals have been reassigned for the past two years under the Biden regime. They’re either stationed at the border dealing with illegal immigration or tracking individuals linked to the January 6, 2021 events, irrespective of their involvement in any criminal activities.

This revelation comes at a time when TSA is projected to screen a record 30 million passengers during the Thanksgiving period.