
Dark Money Fund Poured Millions Into Unhinged Climate Activist Groups That Vandalize Priceless Art and Block Highways

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The Gateway Pundit has reported on the global rise of vandalism and public temper tantrums by unhinged climate activists and the Hollywood and left-wing foundations quietly bankrolling the extremist protest groups.

Now, Fox News shares additional details of the dark money climate group Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) and the millions they have poured into funding activists that vandalize priceless works of art and disrupt communities by blocking busy highways across the world.

Fox News reports:

The Beverly Hills, California-based, Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) — which has been funded in large part by Hollywood actors and producers since it was founded in 2019 — raised $6.1 million in 2022, a 165% increase from the $2.3 million it raised in 2021,