
Embarrassing: Harvard Prank Called By “Mother of Hamas Terrorist” Hoping for ‘Political Activism Scholarship’ (Video)

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As antisemitism flourishes on college campuses across the US, satirist and journalist Racheli Rottner decided to see just how far one school would go to answer the burning question: “At what point does ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ go too far—effectively inviting the wolf into the henhouse?”

In a prank call to Harvard University’s Admissions Office, Rottner poses as “Jamaa,” calling on behalf of her Hamas terrorist son “Hameed.” “Jamaa” shares her desire to help her terrorist son secure financial aid for his ‘deeds’ and receive a “massacre scholarship.”

Rottner told The Media Line, “I just want to emphasize again that it’s a real call. A lot of people asked if it was a sketch or staged.”

Jamaa asks the admissions officer,