
Salon Magazine: This Is ‘Democracy’s Last Thanksgiving’ If Trump Wins The 2024 Election, Americans Have A Difficult Time ‘Understanding Complex Information’

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Salon Magazine’s senior politics writer Chauncey Devega commemorated Thanksgiving with a fearmongering article devoted to hating Donald Trump and debasing Americans who intend to vote for the former president in 2024.

“Trump and his allies and acolytes are publicly planning to make him America’s first de facto dictator, which will mean the end of the country’s democracy,” Devega warns in an article titled ‘Democracy’s last Thanksgiving‘ published Thursday.

Trump is trouncing Biden in every rigged poll amid skyrocketing inflation, oil and gasoline prices shooting through the roof, manufacturing plants exploding on a regular basis, the Justice Department’s unprecedented prosecution of political speech as Americans continue to suffer from the fallout from the experimental Covid mandates,