
65% of Dutch Want Geert Wilders to Govern: “How I Love the Netherlands! I Will Be Prime Minister of this Beautiful Country!”

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Dutch election winner Geert Wilders called on the other conservative parties to sit down and negotiate a patriotic coalition government with him, as 65% of Dutch voters said they want a conservative coalition to save their country from out-of-control migration, crime and government overreach. The leftist assault on the Wilders party is already beginning, as Freedom Party negotiator Gom van Strien had to step down over unproven allegations of “corruption”.

An RTL News Panel poll showed that 65% of Dutch voters want a conservative coalition consisting of Wilders’ PVV Freedom Party, the RINO VVD People’s Party, the new-founded New Social Contract and the BBB Farmers’ Citizens Movement. 96% of Freedom Party voter support this model, 94% of BBB voters,