
DELUSIONAL: Joe Scarborough Says the World Could ‘Spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden Wasn’t President (VIDEO)

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This YouTube screen shot shows Joe Scarbarough and Mika Brzezinski reacting to recent presidential polling data.

Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, recently said that the world could ‘spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden wasn’t president.

Has Scarborough not noticed that this already seems to be happening on Joe Biden’s watch? Scarborough may be an idiot, but even he knows what he is saying here is pure gaslighting.

The world was a far more peaceful place on Trump’s watch and it’s all flying apart at record speed under Biden. Scarborough knows this, so the only conclusion one could reach is that he is lying and he knows it.

Breitbart News reports:

Scarborough: World Would ‘Spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden Wasn’t President

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Monday on his show “Morning Joe” that if Joe Biden were not president,