
French Teen Is Stabbed by Arab Migrants – So Police Vow To Crack Down – On the French Citizens Protesting It!

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By now, all well-informed patriots have grasped the playbook: Police are negligent on migrant crime; Migrant stabs children or teens; Patriots react in fury; Police finally cracks down — on the patriots!

This unacceptable state of affairs played out in the exact same way in Ireland as now in France.

There has been no shortage of protests and riots in France, from the yellow vest marches to the revolt over tyrannical pension reform to minority riots over police brutality – you name it, France has got it.

But now the ailing Macron administration has found its bogeyman: the far right. Yes – lame!

Reuters reported, with an even much greater bias than usual:

“Night-time protests across France over the past few days by ultra-right militants [sic] chanting ‘Islam out of Europe’ have been fanned by last week’s rioting in Dublin,