
Full-Time Nurse and Mother Breaks Down as She Discusses Tough Financial Struggles Under Bidenomics — Family Living ‘Paycheck-to-Paycheck’ Despite Decent Income (VIDEO)

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Screenshot: @mackmoan1988/TikTok

In a heartfelt and heartbreaking TikTok video, Mackenzie Moan, a full-time critical care nurse and Ph.D. student from Pennsylvania, has brought to light the grim reality of financial struggles many American families face under the Biden regime.

Despite holding a stable job and earning what she describes as ‘good money,’ Moan and her husband Steve find themselves living ‘paycheck-to-paycheck,’ a situation that is becoming increasingly common in today’s Bidenomics.

The video, which has since gone viral with over 1 million views, captures Moan breaking down as she details the financial woes that plague her family. She reveals that after paying for essentials like their mortgage, groceries, and gas, they are left with a mere few hundred dollars to sustain them for the next two weeks.