
What Supreme Court Ruling? Joe Biden Emails 800,000 Borrowers About Student Loan Debt Relief to Buy Their Votes Next Year

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The Biden regime is not letting the Constitution get in the way of buying off young voters who have soured on him.

Axios reported that Joe Biden sent an email Tuesday afternoon informing more than 800,000 student loan borrowers about student loan debt relief. This means the so-called president has forgiven $127 billion in student loan debt for 3.5 million borrowers so far.

As the Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported, Biden had unilaterally canceled over $400 billion in student loans, which turns out to be up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers who earn $125,000 a year or less and up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants. His scheme was rejected by the Supreme Court.