
Keith Olbermann Quits Twitter in a Rage – Comes Back Less Than 24 Hours Later

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Podcaster Keith Olbermann calls for a “national emergency” on Twitter to deal with conservatives.

Former MSNBC host and current deranged podcaster Keith Olbermann rage-quit Twitter this week and lasted less than 24 hours before coming back.

This happens frequently on the left. Progressives can’t stand the fact that they no longer control Twitter, yet they can’t live without it.

When Olbermann returned, he even insisted that he never quit.

The Daily Caller reports:

The Dark Lord Returns: Olbermann Back On Twitter 24 Hours After He Quit ‘Antisemitic’ Platform

He’s back.

In an incredible, wildly unpredictable event (kidding, I predicted it just this morning), Keith Olbermann has returned to Twitter after making a grand proclamation that he’d stop posting on the platform.

Citing the apparently “antisemitic” Elon Musk’s flirtation with the Pizzagate conspiracy,