
Europe’s Right Wing Gathers in Italy To Plan For More Gains in Next Year’s Elections for the European Parliament

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European voters seem inclined to do ‘the right thing’.

In face of the new geopolitical realities and the recent gains by European populist right wingers, we can see how voters in the ‘old world’ have woken up from their liberal dreams to find their societies torn by a host of globalist policies, namely unchecked mass migration.

As European parties on the right of the political spectrum met in Italy on Sunday, vowing to reshape the European Union, you will find everywhere the same definition for them: ‘far-right’.

Yes, because as far as the MSM is concerned, there are only extremist right wingers and moderate leftists. That’s the way they roll.

Read: The Right Thing: 12 Headlines Showing How Europe Is Turning Conservative

The political parties assembled ahead of the European elections propose toughening the EU’s approach on immigration and softening its climate policies to protect jobs and industry.