
Lunatic Fatima Graves, Wife of Tyrannical US Attorney Matt Graves, Wants Women to “Lose Gracefully” to Biological Men in Sports (VIDEO)

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In June 2022, several CBS employees who work for Colbert’s late-night show were arrested in the US Capitol, trespassing after hours, and HARASSING GOP lawmakers.

The US Capitol was closed at the time. Colbert’s crew was trespassing in the US Capitol.

It was not a surprise to learn that serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) let the insurrectionists in the building.

Colbert’s goons were not only harassing Republican lawmakers after hours but they also went and harassed and mocked the families of the January 6 prisoners held in prison for over a year without a trial.

But days later it was revealed Stephen Colbert’s crew was cleared of “unlawful entry” charges after they were caught inside a House Office Building after hours without permission.