
Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces FISA Overhaul Bill as Section 702 Renewal Approaches – Will Prevent FBI From Unconstitutionally Spying on Americans

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Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, left, questions FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, left, questions FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday. (Townhall / YouTube)

Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) on Monday introduced the bipartisan Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act (PLEWSA) to overhaul Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). 

The new legislation will protect our Fourth Amendment rights by limiting the FBI’s ability to surveil Americans and ending the current practice of collecting and spying on Americans’ communications without a warrant.

Section 702, a law intended to authorize intelligence agencies to surveil foreign threats, is set to expire at the end of the year, and Congress is considering reauthorization. While it purports to keep us safe from threats, this law also gives federal agencies the power to spy on innocent Americans and access their stored communications data without a warrant,