
CNN Now Floating the Idea of ‘Carbon Passports’ to Limit Travel in Order to Save the Planet

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CNN and some other liberal media outlets are now floating the idea of requiring ‘carbon passports’ to limit people’s travel in order to fight climate change.

Every time you think the left cannot possibly come up with a new idea that is worse than the last, they somehow manage to do it.

These are the same people who accuse Trump of being a dictator.

The memo has gone out.
Carbon passports are coming.
You will own nothing, travel nowhere, and be an obedient slave to the overlords. pic.twitter.com/ZMptFQf11m

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 6, 2023

From CNN:

It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer

The summer of 2023 was very significant for the travel industry.