
UNLV Shooter Considered George Soros a Great Mind, Showed Interest in Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group and More

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As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier,  Anthony Polito, 67, has been identified as the shooter who killed three staff members at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Detectives have reported Polito was killed in a police shootout after he opened fire on police.

Authorities have reported Polito was a professor in North Carolina and Georgia, and he applied for a professorship at UNLV but was not hired.

Shortly after Polito was identified as the shooter, The New York Post discovered Polito’s website.

On his website, Polito claimed to have decoded the Zodiac Killer’s letters and had a section dedicated to the greatest minds, which included George Soros.

Here’s the list of people he considered to have great minds:

Another section of his site titled “Powerful Organizations Bent on World Domination!” contained a list of elite organizations and families such as the Illuminati,