
Alex Jones Claims Government Sources Confirm Joe Biden Wanders White House Naked at Night and is Drugged Up — Tucker Carlson Says Biden is “Pumped Full of Amphetamines” (VIDEO)

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In a recent bombshell interview released on Thursday by Tucker Carlson, media personality Alex Jones made ‘not-so-surprising’ claims about Joe Biden’s behavior within the White House.

In his discussion with Carlson, Jones asserted that he has information from “government sources,” suggesting that Biden roams the White House halls naked during the night, allegedly ‘unaware’ of his identity.

The interview covered a spectrum of issues, but it was Jones’s allegations regarding Joe Biden’s nighttime activities that left the most significant mark.

According to Jones, he has inside information from sources he claims are connected to the Secret Service and others within the government.

He asserts these sources have revealed that the President wanders around naked and “completely out of his mind,” and that his mental state has progressively worsened over the course of his presidency.