
Casey DeSantis Calls on Voters to Ascend on Iowa From Across the United States to “Participate in the Caucus”

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Today, Ron DeSantis and his wife, Casey, joined Martha MacCallum on FOX News to discuss the upcoming Iowa Caucus where DeSantis currently trails Nikki Haley by 7% and Donald Trump by 57%.  During the interview, Casey encouraged voters to come from across the country to “be a part of” and “participate in” the Iowa Caucus.

Casey DeSantis told MacCallum’s audience:

“We’re asking all of these moms and grandmoms to come from where ever it might be, North Carolina, South Carolina, and descend upon the state of Iowa and be a part of the caucus because you do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the caucus.  So moms and grandmoms are gonna be able to come and be a part and let their voice be heard in support of Ron!”

Hours after the interview had aired,