
Canadian Man Charged With 14 Counts of Murder for Mailing Poison to Young People, Helping Them Kill Themselves

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The number of worldwide victims of Kenneth Law may be in the hundreds.

The culture of death is spreading like wildfire in many Western societies.

From state-sponsored assisted suicide to an entrepreneurial ‘death sarcophagus,’ there is an ongoing worldwide phenomenon in which people have help and incentives to take their own lives.

Canada is one of the worst-case scenarios, with tens of thousands of people every year falling victim to this nefarious trend.

Read: Canadistan Is Out of Control: New Survey Shows Growing Population Support for Euthanizing the Poor and Homeless – Number of Assisted Suicides Skyrockets Ten-Fold in Half a Decade to 10 Thousand People

Now, a Canadian man who helped more than a dozen people in Ontario to kill themselves – by mailing them poison – has been charged with 14 counts of second-degree murder.