
Like They Give a Hoot About the Rain Forest: Brazil President Lula’s Environmental Head Charged with Corruption, NGOs Threaten Senators and Indigenous People

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Chief Karé Parakanã is being threatened with death for opposing foreign NGOs in Brazil’s Amazon

When Ignacio Lula da Silva ousted Jair Bolsonaro as President of Brazil in a 2022-2023 coup, the global left cheered, expecting Lula to “save the rain forests” and “protect the indigenous people” of Brazil. A new Parliamentary Inquiry reveals massive corruption in Brazil’s environmental ministry and called for the indictment of Conservation head Mauro Oliveira Pires.

11.8 million acres of Brazil’s Amazon have been burned from January to September 2023, according to Rainforest Foundation US, nearly double the size of the state of Maryland. “The number of fires is accelerating: In September, 1.9 million hectares burned in Brazil’s Amazon,