
Pro-Vaccine Canadian Journalist Who Called for Unvaccinated Police Officers to be Fired Dies Suddenly at Age 33

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Canadian leftist reporter Ian Vandaelle died suddenly at age 33.

Ian promoted the dangerous COVID-19 vaccines and called for those police officers who refused the jab to be fired.

Journalist who advocated that the unvaccinated be put in concentration camps dies suddenly at the young age of 33:

“Ian Vandaelle has died after being hospitalized and “declared neurologically dead,” his family revealed.

Vandaelle was a business journalist who worked as a… pic.twitter.com/wx0JLDHexO

— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) December 14, 2023

Ian Vandaelle pushed for vaccine passports.

Karma is a bitch. pic.twitter.com/2M6Y8bnChN

— AlbertaPlumber (@PlumberAlberta) December 6, 2023

Via The Canadian Independent on Substack

33-year-old Canadian MSM journalist who heavily promoted the Covid-19 vaccine,