
Putin Holds a Marathon 4-Hour Press Conference: “We Will Bolster Russia’s Sovereignty, Fortify Border Security, Safeguard Rights and Freedoms of Our Citizens” (VIDEOS)

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Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his year-end press conference with a Q&A session. It was a monumental affair, that lasted 4 hours and 4 minutes, in which Putin answered 67 questions from journalists – both Russian and foreign – and citizens.

Naturally, the western media needs to take him down a peg, so it is said that the questions were ‘carefully curated’, which is, of course, true. But just compare that to feeble Joe Biden squinting his eyes closed as he takes a couple of questions from pre-selected journalists and reads pre-written replies.

The difference between the leaders couldn’t be more clear.

We will present some highlights of the questioning marathon, with translation and reporting from Sputnik,