
Dr. Pierre Kory Discusses the Reason Why So Many Americans are Dying Early: “Something Happened in the Middle of COVID that Thou Shalt Not Speak its Name” (VIDEO)

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In a recent op-ed featured in The Hill, Dr. Pierre Kory, the founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), has raised alarm bells over the increasing death rates among younger Americans, challenging the explanations provided by health authorities.

The issue came into the spotlight following a tweet from the FDA commissioner highlighting a significant decline in American life expectancy. The FDA chief attributed this trend to factors like smoking and poor diet. However, Dr. Kory vehemently disagrees, suggesting a more controversial cause related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is not being openly discussed.

Dr. Kory’s analysis, based on data from the Society of Actuaries, reveals a startling trend: while death rates among the elderly have decreased by 6% compared to pre-pandemic levels,