
EU Leaders Bypass Hungary’s Orbán Objections, and Approve Beginning of ‘Ascension Negotiations’ With Ukraine

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The European Union may just have ditched its policy of unanimous decisions for good, after 26 countries decided to bypass Hungary’s very serious reservations, and approve the opening of ‘accession negotiations’ for Ukraine.

European Council President Charles Michel jubilantly announced the outcome on Thursday (14), at a critical time for Ukraine.

Politico reported:

“While accession talks are likely to continue on for many years, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the news was ‘a victory of Ukraine … a victory that motivates, inspires and strengthens’. This was a historic moment for Ukraine, which has made its aspirations to join the EU known for many years.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who had vehemently opposed the opening of accession talks for Ukraine,