
Victor Reacts: Disgusting New Trend — Another School Board Official Sworn In on LGBTQ Books, Not the Bible (VIDEO)

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A disgusting new trend seems to be emerging.

For the second time in recent memory, a school board official has decided to be sworn in not on the Holy Bible, but instead on a stack of smut and filth.

As the Gateway Pundit reported,

On Wednesday, Karl Frisch, a Democratic member of the Fairfax County School Board, was sworn in for his second term not on a Bible, but on a stack of banned LGBTQ children’s books.

This unconventional choice by Frisch has received criticism for attempting to normalize unacceptable behavior, which indicates moral decay.

Frisch, who is the Vice Chair of the Board and soon-to-be Chair, is both the first LGBTQ+ individual elected to local office in Fairfax County—Virginia’s largest—and one of the few openly LGBTQ+ school board members across the Commonwealth,