
Brandon Straka WINS Huge Lawfare Case Brought Against Him by DC Police and a Far Left Non-Profit Law Firm

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Brandon Straka announces his big legal win against dishonest Capitol Police officers.

#WalkAway founder Brandon Straka announced on Monday that he won the bogus J6 case brought against him by corrupt, lying, leftist Soros-funded lawyers and deceitful Washington police officers.

Brandon Straka was accused of violating the KKK Act and engaged in a white supremacist attack on black and brown police officers on January 6, 2021.  The plaintiffs accused Brandon and other conservatives of causing their “injuries” (which included being pepper sprayed, and becoming “exhausted”) and conspired to encroach on their civil rights.

During the discovery phase of the investigation Brandon’s attorneys discovered that none of the police officers were even on the side of the building he was on during his time at the Capitol and one of the plaintiffs was in Maryland at that time!