
European Union Reportedly Considering Suspending Hungary’s Right to Vote to Salvage Ukrainian Aid

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Hungary’s Orbán and Germany’s Scholz.

The soap opera revolving around the struggle between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the European Union doesn’t seem to be winding down any time soon.

Orbán is constantly defying EU directives and insists on operating primarily following his own national interests – which infuriates Globalists of all stripes in Brussels.

Read: Hungary’s Orbán Calls the European Union a ‘Bad Contemporary Parody’ of the Soviet Union

Orbán caused major waves at the last EU summit when he, on one hand, unblocked accession negotiations after he was persuaded by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to leave the room ‘for a coffee’ – but on the other hand, just a few hours later he spoiled Kiev’s party by vetoing the €50bn,