
“”I Was Angry. I Was Disappointed” — Democrat Sen. Cardin Confronted About His Relationship with Ex-Staffer Who Filmed Hardcore Gay Sex Tape in US Senate

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Screenshot: Manu Raju/X

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) faced a barrage of questions concerning his knowledge and association with a former staffer involved in a shocking incident.

The 24-year-old ex-staffer, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, filmed a hardcore gay sex tape within the confines of the US Senate.

Aiden was buck-naked except for a g-string jock strap as he straddled the Senator’s desk in the hearing room and smiled for the camera.

Aidan Maese-Czeropski asserted that the explicit behavior he was alleged to have been involved in within the Hart Senate Office Building was taken out of context and is now being weaponized against him due to his sexual orientation and political affiliations.

He is now planning to pursue legal action against what he calls defamatory allegations and a politically motivated attack on his character.