
Dangerous Photographer: Clicks by Jeffrey Epstein Mean Reputational Damage – Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Now Bill Gates Pictured With Alleged Sex Trafficking Victims

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Some indigenous cultures held the belief that a photograph can steal your soul.

In the ‘age of the selfie’, in which everyone has a camera and uses it incessantly, this notion seems absurd.

But depending on the context, have a picture taken by late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein could mean losing – if not your eternal soul – your reputation and even your livelihood.

Friends or ‘marks’? Jeffrey Epstein with Bill Clinton (top), Bill Gates (right) and Prince Andrew (left).

This week, Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was shown in the press pictured in a pose with one of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking victim.

This adds to the growing list of Epstein accusers who have previously been seen in photos with powerful men,