
Chicago City Orders Seizure of Democrat Mayor Johnson’s Motorcade SUVs for Accumulating $2,130 in Unpaid Red Light and Speed Camera Tickets — 21 Citations Within the Past Seven Months

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Source: Illinois Attorney General/Facebook

The City of Chicago has initiated seizure orders for two SUVs from the motorcade of the city’s Democratic Mayor, Brandon Johnson, due to non-payment of accumulated traffic fines. Mayor Johnson’s convoy of vehicles has allegedly failed to settle a stack of fines from red light and speed camera infractions amounting to $2,130.

According to city records, these SUVs, part of a four-vehicle fleet that transports Mayor Johnson, have chalked up 21 citations and a warning within the past seven months since Johnson took office, CWB Chicago reported.

The accumulation of tickets by Mayor Brandon Johnson’s motorcade has now exceeded the total received by former mayors Rahm Emanuel, Lori Lightfoot, and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle during their entire four-year terms.