
Defiant Macron Says He’s Not a ‘Lame Duck’ President, Defends the New Tough Immigration Bill: ’It’s What the French People Wanted’

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If there’s one thing that French President Emmanuel Macron can be proud of, it’s his resilience to crises.

From the seemingly endless pre-‘pandemic’ Yellow Vest marches, to the widespread riots following his tyrannical pension reform, followed by race riots and ultimately clashing pro-Israel and pro-Hamas demonstrations, Macron’s presidency has been a considerable train-wreck.

But Macron sailed through all of that, apparently weaker and weaker, but managing to remain in power.

Now, as his government suffered a hard blow on the National Assembly with the harsh rejection of his ‘flagship’ immigration bill, combative Macron is unfazed by criticism and is fighting back.

He reacted against speculation that he has become a ‘lame-duck’ president that is just paving the way for the rightwing to come to power

Macron’s coalition now has splintered over a compromise immigration bill that was deemed too tough by many centrist lawmakers

Many have started – yet again – to question whether he can still govern effectively.