
IRS Comes After “Let My People Go” Documentary Movie Creator David Clements After Launching Film

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Guest post by Joe Hoft.com. Republished with permission

Just three days after launching the documentary “Let My People Go” on election integrity the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has sent a notice to former law professor David Clements demanding $19,368 from the 2021 tax year.

The attack is very reminiscent of the IRS going after journalist Matt Taibbi after he dropped the “Twitter Files” about the government’s collusion with Twitter. Like Clements, they investigated a tax return filed years prior in 2018.

The IRS letter is full of inaccuracies. First, it claims Clements was self-employed in 2021. Clements was employed as a law-professor at New Mexico State University for the majority of the year until he was terminated for refusing to subject his students to the mask and Covid-19 jab policies.