
Christmas Is Banned In North Korea, Escapees Challenge ‘Godless’ Dictator With Gifts, Bibles, Food And Messages Of Hope

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A group of activists is sending messages of hope, faith, and freedom to the people suffering under the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un in North Korea, where Christmas is banned and religious beliefs are strictly forbidden.

While Christmas is a bonanza in the West, North Korea is an atheist state where almost nobody even knows what Christmas.

For North Koreans, the government, Kim Jong-un, and his family function as gods under the brutal ‘Juche’ system.

Other religious figures or beliefs are banned to prevent its citizenry’s loyalty to the Kim family and the communist regime’s stranglehold on information assures North Koreans have no awareness of outside culture.  State-controlled churches primarily exist for sightseeing tourists.

Christians can be sent to concentration camps or tortured to death if they are caught praying.