
Denver Police Say They’re Increasing Security at Homes of State Supreme Court Justices – CNN Grudgingly Admits There Are No Credible Threats (VIDEO)

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Following the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to remove Trump from the ballot, there have been rumors of threats against the judges on the court. As a result, the Denver Police Department has reportedly upped security at the justices’ homes.

Of course, no one on the left cared when conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court were being harassed and threatened at their homes. Protection is reserved for liberals.

And now, no one is even sure how real the threats are in Colorado, but it’s not stopping the media from hyping the story.

The Hill reported:

Police increase patrols around Colorado justices’ homes after Trump ruling

The Denver Police Department said Tuesday it is investigating reports of threats or harassment against the Colorado Supreme Court justices and has increased patrols around their residences.