
London’s ‘Ultra Low Emission Zone’ Is Widely Hated, More Than 1,000 Cameras Have Been Vandalized – Mayor Khan Hires ‘Security’ Goons To Oppress Citizens

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Leave it to the British to take a potentially good idea and turn it into yet another tyrannical system against its own population.

For instance, it is indeed a good idea to cut down pollution in urban centers – no one would dispute that. But how?

So Britain created the ULEZ – an ‘Ultra Low Emission Zone’ in London, where ‘an emissions standard based charge’ is applied to ‘non-compliant road vehicles’.

A network of cameras is checking traffic to make drivers pay every time they enter the zone with their ‘non-compliant’ cars.

Over time it became an extremely unpopular solution, especially after leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khan greatly expanded the ULEZ.

A phenomenon emerged in which disgruntled citizens started taking out their frustration on the ‘spying cameras’ – about a thousand cameras have been damaged or stolen over the last year alone.