
Seattle Bulldozes ‘BLM Garden’ After it’s Overrun With Homeless, Drugs, and Rats (VIDEO)

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After the BLM riots of 2020, the communist ‘CHAZ’ in Seattle created a ‘Black Lives Matter’ garden. The city just bulldozed over the garden because it became a magnet for homeless people, drugs and rats. How ironic.

It appears that the people behind the garden weren’t very good gardeners.

Anyone surprised?

FOX News reports:

Seattle closes Black Lives Matter garden amid rampant homelessness, drug use and vandalism

Members of Seattle, Washington’s Parks and Recreation department, along with city police, removed a community garden planted in Cal Anderson Park as part of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 on Wednesday.

City officials said in a statement that the “makeshift,” temporary garden was being removed because of public health and safety concerns,