
16 Former DC Officials, Including former Bushies, Bill Kristol, and Nutcase George Conway, Submit Brief to US Court of Appeals Arguing Against Immunity for Trump

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Bill Kristol, George Conway, Patrick Fitzgerald, and others send Trump-hating brief to Court of Appeals.

Sixteen former DC officials and “legal experts” submitted an amici curiae brief to the US Court of Appeals in President Trump’s immunity appeal, arguing against immunity for ex-presidents in criminal cases.

The list of attorneys includes former Bushies, turncoat Bill Kristol, Ty Cobb, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, a Mike Pence advisor, and unhinged nutcase George Conway.

Here are the so-called “principled Republican” experts who are sh*tting on Trump today:

  • Brad Berenson- Associate Counsel to George W. Bush
  • Gregory A. Brower – Appointed by George W Bush
  • Tom Campbell
  • Ty Cobb- Special Counsel to Trump
  • Tom Coleman
  • George T Conway III
  • John J Farmer – Assistant US Attorney for George HW Bush and Bill Clinton
  • Patrick J Fitzgerld – US Attorney appointed by George W Bush
  • William Kristol
  • Phillip Allen Lacovara – Deputy Solicitor General to Nixon
  • John McKay- US Attorney in Washington under George W Bush
  • Trevor Potter- Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (1994) appointed by George HW Bush
  • Claudine Schneider
  • Fern M Smith
  • Olivia Troye – Special Advisor,