
BOOM: U.S. Navy Obliterates Iran-Backed Houthi Terrorists in the Red Sea – Sinks Three Rebel Boats and Kills Every Militant Aboard Following Latest Ship Attack

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Credit: @Osint613

U.S. Navy helicopters sunk three Iran-backed Houthi rebel boats and killed their entire crews in self-defense after the terrorists attacked a container ship in the Red Sea.

This news comes hours after Houthis in Yemen fired two ballistic missiles “toward” two U.S. warships in the Red Sea while they were aiding a merchant ship called the Maersk Hangzhou that a Houthi missile had previously struck as the Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor reported. the USS Gravely shot down the two ballistic missiles.

U.S. CENTCOM command revealed Sunday morning that four Houthi boats attacked the Maersk Hangzhou again by firing small arms and crew-served weapons. They got within 20 meters of the vessel and attempted to take it over.