
EXCLUSIVE: Open.Ink Project Releases Their Latest Production — “J6: A True Timeline” on the Real Story Behind the J6 Protests that They Won’t Tell You

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Open.Ink project presents…

J6: a True Timeline

The Open.Ink Project is set to release its latest documentary, “J6: A True Timeline,” on January 1, 2024. This film aims to provide a thorough investigation into the events of January 6.

The Gateway Pundit posted the trailer for this important film here.

J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real-time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does.

The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors,